About Us

Brico is the contraction for Brittany and Nico, a couple in their early 30s that can be found in Redondo Beach, CA when not on the road.  We decided to start a travel blog to record our memories, share our adventures on the road, and inspire/help others to travel too!  Brittany is a native Coloradoan who misses four seasons living in LA (but doesn’t miss seasonal allergies) and works remotely as a Workday consultant.  Nico is originally from Germany, immigrating to the US at age 11, and currently works for space transport company SpaceX.  Our travel style is adventure-focused: experiencing nature through scuba diving and backpacking, trying the street food, interacting with locals, and immersing ourselves in the culture.  We’re pescatarian and enjoy looking for meatless food options around the world!  We plan 100% of our own travel, frequently taking advantage of airline and hotel points.

Travel Inspirations

There are a ton of things that get us excited about travelling.  Here are a few of our favorites:

  • TV Shows:
  • A world map on the wall containing pins for places we’ve been and those we want to see!
    • We have a tradition that anytime a place is checked off the list, the pin gets moved to a new place
  • Following wanderlust-inspiring Instagram accounts